Parish Council Minutes October 2018

BECKBURY PARISH PLAN: Members agreed that Councillor D.M. Cummings be added to the Parish Plan Committee. The Chairman of the Committee, Councillor J.S. Paice indicated that he would arrange a date for a meeting of the Committee and notify Members accordingly. Please...

Parish Council Meeting agenda July 2018

BECKBURY PARISH COUNCIL To: The Chairman and Members of Beckbury Parish Council You are requested to attend a Meeting of Beckbury Parish Council to be held at Beckbury Village Hall, Beckbury on Wednesday, 4th July, 2018, at 7.30 p.m. Yours faithfully L.E. Oakley Clerk...

Parish Council Minutes May 2018

CHAIRMANS REPORT: It has been an eventful year in Beckbury for the past 12 months with good news and sad news. The Council lost one of its ex Councillors, Mr. John Evans, who sadly passed away this year. John served as a Parish Councillor for several years and was...